
Our four Associate’s degree majors prepare you for specialized careers in education, 业务, 健康, 和STEM领域. You will also be well positioned to further your studies and pursue a bachelor’s degree.


学生 completing the 应用数据科学 Associate’s degree will gain skills in data processing, 管理, 和可视化.  学生 will learn fundamentals of computer programming and will be introduced to concepts in algorithms and computer systems organization. Through real-world datasets and problems, students will learn how to analyze and think critically about data and algorithms arising in 业务, 医疗保健, 刑事司法, 社交媒体, 体育, 以及其他应用.


  1. Gain skills in data processing, 管理, 和可视化.
  2. Learn the fundamentals of computer programming.
  3. Analyze data and perform statistical modeling, to quantify uncertainty in conclusions and predictions made with data.



Graduates are prepared for entry-level positions such as 业务 analysts, 业务分析师, 运筹学分析师, 数据分析师, 数据架构师, 数据库管理员. 学生 are also well positioned to transition into a Bachelor’s Degree program, either at 电子游戏软件 or another peer university.


经济学原理 (社会科学核心)3
Database Systems and Applications OR Computer Science I3
Data Science Methods and Applications3

学生 completing the Associate’s degree in Psychology and Human Development will gain a fundamental understanding of concepts, issues and theory related to children’s learning and development from birth through adolescence. They will develop the foundational skills needed for students interested in meaningful careers that support the lives of children and families. 


  1. 理解概念, issues and theory related to both neurotypical and neurodivergent children’s learning and development.
  2. Analyze cultural/ethnic, contextual, and educational factors in human development.
  3. Critically interpret and evaluate research in order to make evidence-based decisions and advocate for children and families.



Graduates are prepared to work in a range of environments including early childhood education programs as child care professionals, 导致教育工作者, and learning and development coordinators; in schools as teaching assistants; in social services such as social service assistants; and in academic and non-profit settings as research assistants or support workers. 学生 can also use the Associate’s degree in Applied Psychology and Human Development as a stepping stone to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in more advanced psychology and education careers.


Applied Psychology and Human Development Courses学分
家庭、学校和社会 (社会科学核心)3
电子游戏正规平台 Methods for Applied Psychology3
Education and Development for 学生 with Disabilities OR Learning & 小学课程设置3

学生 completing the Associate’s degree in 一般业务 will gain an overview of the various functional areas of 业务 while developing skills in finance, 会计, 操作, 市场营销, 商业法.  


  1.  Gain an overview of the various functional areas of 业务
  2. 培养数据素养技能
  3. 培养较强的沟通技巧
  4. 培养道德推理能力



Graduates are equipped for a wide variety of 业务-related careers in areas such as human resources, 销售, 和金融. They are prepared for entry level positions, including functional specialists (e.g., 就业专家), 客户服务代表, 办公室经理, 以及行政助理. 学生 are also well positioned to transition smoothly into many of the bachelor’s degree programs at the Carroll School of Management at 电子游戏软件 and other undergraduate schools.


Excel for Business Analytics1
经济学原理 (社会科学核心)3
Marketing Principles OR Organizational Behavior3
Law I: Introduction to Law and Legal Process3
Statistical Computing: Programming in R1

学生 completing the Associate’s degree in 健康科学 will gain practical skills in patient care through both classroom and clinical placements. They will develop the foundational skills needed to pursue meaningful careers in the 医疗保健 industry, 包括医院的职位, nursing and residential care facilities, 实验室, 诊所, 家庭健康机构.


  1. Develop the knowledge and skills of a well-rounded 医疗保健 support professional.
  2. Learn practical skills in patient care and teamwork.
  3. Prepare for immediate employment in the 医疗保健 field.
  4. Implement a philosophy congruent with values that support the intrinsic worth and dignity of each human being.
  5. Develop the communication skills necessary to contribute to quality 医疗保健 delivery.



Graduates are prepared for immediate employment as a Certified Nursing Assistant, 病人护理助理, a Medical Assistant or an 紧急 Room Technician. At the completion of this 2-year degree students will be on a trajectory towards a career in 医疗保健 such as nursing.  They will also be well positioned to transition smoothly into a Bachelor’s Degree program in Nursing or other 医疗保健 professions.


生命科学化学+实验室 (自然科学核心)4
解剖学和生理学1 + Lab (自然科学核心)4
解剖学和生理学2 +实验室4
Microbiology for Health Professionals + Microbiology Lab4
Nursing Assessment of Health Across the Lifespan (社会科学核心)3
Principles of Nutrition Across the Lifespan3
专业护理导论 (B可选).S. 护理候选人)0